Frequently asked Questions

So glad you asked. Seriously If you have a question please ask. You will not know if you don't ask. If your question and answer is not here just send me a message and I will be glad to answer it.

Do you have props? should I bring anything?

Yes I have lots of props and wraps. But you are more than welcome to bring anything you would like and I will do my best to incorporate it into the photos.

Can the parents take photos with the baby?

Yes you are more than welcome too have a few photos with baby. And sibling shots are welcome too. I have 2 sessions to choose from, just baby only or baby and family. Just let me know when booking so we can schedule the correct one for your family.

If I need to feed baby or change baby is that going to be a problem?

Yes most Definitely. I always say we are on baby time so sometimes we have to stop to feed and change baby. And sometimes baby just needs to get settled again.

Do you have a question?

If you have more questions about your newborn session please let me know and I will be glad to answer them.

Do you shoot destination weddings?

I would love to shoot a destination wedding for you. Message or text me for more information on my destinations weddings.

Will there be a second shooter?

I do not have a second shooter at this time. I like capturing everything myself if at all possible. I have captured many many weddings alone and have ended up with beautiful result.

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Absolutely . If you need more time that what my package offers, please let me know and we can definitely make it happen.

Do I have to order prints through you?

I do strongly recommend you would to insure you get the vert best quality in your prints. I have contracted with a print company that produce beautiful High quality prints, that will last you for years and quality and clarity is stunning.

Do you have a question?

Questions are always welcome. If you have a question for me I will do my best to answer it. Please fill out the Contact info and I will get back to you shortly. Also Feel free to contact me on my Facebook page. Robin Mackey's Photography